
Saturday, July 3, 2010

More Lessons Learned

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While discussing how to make a proper stage bow for recital:

Me: "Be sure to keep your arms at your sides when you bow."

5-year-old student: "But I want to bow like THIS..."
(Takes a very low bow with one arm in front of his body and the other behind his back.)
"'s how you bow to a KING!"

Me: "But that's not a good way to bow on stage. Besides, there aren't going to be any kings at the recital next week."

Student: "God is a King. And He will be at the recital because He is everywhere."

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Another 5-year-old boy:
"I need help with this song I am trying to figure out. If you know this song, you can help me. If you don't know it, then I will teach it to you."

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From the eight-year-old girl who loves scales and chords (and apparently quarter notes also):

(Counting out loud in 2/4 time): "One...two; one...two."

Student: "You forgot to say the other beats."

Me: "This piece is in 2/4 , so we only have two beats in each measure."

Student: "Oh, I feel sorry for poor old beats 3 and 4! They get left out!"


10-year-old girl, after listening to the composer Ravel for the first time:

"And I thought BEETHOVEN was crazy!"

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